Editor‘s Review
Peppa Pig: Golden Boots is a great Peppa Pig-themed game created by the Entertainment One company. I was confused about what the game is about when heard its name for the first time, so I decided to take a closer look at the game. It turns out this game surrounds boots. And if you are a big fan of the Peppa Pig Cartoon, you probably heard or watched one of the greatest episodes on golden boots. This app is inspired by that episode and also by the adventurous world, that Peppa Pig lives in.
I love this game not only because I’m the biggest fan of the cartoon, but the audio and the choice of characters they have for players are also amazing. The first feature that will come to you when you first start the game is the design section. In this part of the game, you will be able to put on different clothes for your Peppa Pig and you can choose to put on some warm clothes or some interesting accessories that you probably saw in the cartoon. I love this section since I can design my own unique Peppa Pig by putting some hats or glasses on. And since the game is about boots, there is also a part of the game I think it’s interesting. You will be asked to decorate the boots for Peppa Pig and you can put on different stickers or patterns of symbols and certainly your favorite color. I like the feature because it’s not like the other games where you lead you in with some false advertisements and the game didn’t turn out to be anything like they mentioned in the name.
One of the best parts of the game I feel like it’s great for the kids to have to be the part where Peppa Pig gets into a pond of mud and feeds the ducks. It’s quite interactive and the game has some great background songs that your kids can listen to and sing along just like in the cartoon. I love this because I can feel the kids enjoy the moment with Peppa Pig and they seem to like it a lot by mentioning it a bunch of times. The game is creative and imaginary as well. You will ride on the rocket to explore space and you will be able to visit Mrs. Rabbit Store on the moon which is wholesome! Speaking about what’s so wholesome, the game will keep reminding of you the name of the game, because you will be able to collect shiny golden boots on your adventure and unlock unique little gifts that you always wanted as a kid.
The feature that I admire the most is the developer’s decision of removing in-game ads. I’ve seen a lot of games that cost a fortune but still make players sit through boring ads non-stop. And this game is not even that expensive which is only 4 dollars but it doesn’t have any ads but only the contents that are set up for the little kids to learn at their paste. Some problem players keep bringing like some of the other Peppa Pig games is the fact that it won’t even allow you to download it at some point. Some parents complain about their kids trying to download the game over and over and never succeeding while trying everything they can. The thing I don’t appreciate is that the developers didn’t get back to the parents at all and I feel like the last thing is to write back and give some suggestions. I would recommend this game if the developers can care more about the players.
By Eric | Copyright © Character100 - All Rights Reserved

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